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P90x Yoga Video

If you are not familiar with the P90X exercise program it is basically a very extreme physical workout program that combines cardio workouts, weight and resistance training, stretching routines, and a 90 minute 'killer' yoga routine that seems to last forever. I first started P90X almost two years ago, after my son challenged me to get back into shape after retiring from the U.S.

After a little bit of scoffing and resistance I decided to give it a shot and have had no regrets ever since.I have to admit that when I first saw that yoga was part of this very intense home exercise program my initial reaction was there was no way in the world I would even try to get into any of those contortionist like positions. However, with a little bit of practice and pushing (or more like hounding) from my son I actually started to enjoy the yoga portion of P90X. A lot of my enjoyment I believe comes from the benefits I have personally witnessed.

Please allow me to share with you my top 5 benefits of doing yoga P90X style.#5: Yoga has helped improve my posture. Standing tall and feeling good is now my mantra as I have noticed that I don't stoop as much anymore. One of the yoga exercises in P90X is called the mountain pose and it emphasizes the importance of distributing your body weight in combination with proper breathing techniques. I actually find myself consciously thinking about the mountain pose position as I scurry through my daily activities. Now that's P90X yoga inspiration at its best!#4: Yoga has increased my flexibility. Recently I was playing basketball with my buddies and noticed I was able to get to rebounds that I would not normally have a chance in heck to get to.

Surely it wasn't because of my intimidating 5 foot 8 inches of height or my awesome ten inch vertical leap. I know I can proudly attribute this rebounding phenomenon to the increased flexibility I've gained from my P90X yoga experience.#3: You will lose weight.

I have lost weight and those hard to get rid of 'love handles' are disappearing. Sure I agree that 'love handles' are nice to have, especially during those special cuddling moments, but let's admit it you would rather not have them if you can help it. According to the website: yoga can burn off up to 150 calories during a one hour workout and yoga helps aid with digestion along with toning up abdominal fat.#2: I am more relaxed and less nervous. Nervousness can sometimes be defined as the hopeless feeling of vulnerability or the fear of standing out. Yoga, in my opinion, is the perfect solution, for overcoming those feelings of nervousness. I especially like the breathing and body balancing techniques that the P90X workout immerses you in. As Tony Horton, P90X exercise guru says, 'It's like an internal massage of your nervous system.'

#1: Lastly, my number one top benefit for doing P90X yoga is that I actually sleep better at night. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and insomnia and currently still sleep every night with a continuous positive airway pressure machine or CPAP.


Although the CPAP machine is wonderful, I feel that doing P90X yoga allows me to get the days clutter out of my mind as I settle in for the night. I particularly like the corpse pose, happy baby and Umm exercises towards the end of the workout.Well there you have it my top 5 personal benefits of doing P90X yoga.

I encourage each and everyone of you to expand your mind and escape from the rigors of the world and incorporate yoga in your life. The more you do yoga, just like anything else, the better you will get and I promise the more you will reap the benefits. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam.

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I figured it was about time that I told everybody about how much I enjoy doing the P90X Yoga X workout. When I first started doing I had never done Yoga before.I have stretched before playing sports but nothing like Yoga. It had never dawned on me to ever do Yoga. It looked silly to begin with and I wondered if I was going to get anything from it.Rewind back to when I first started doing P90X some and the P90X workout guide said there was going to be Yoga day. Staying true to the P90X workout program I put the P90X DVD in and begun. If you took a quick look at my you will see that I was pretty skinny to begin with.Even though I am in better shape now then when I was in high school I was still pretty flexible back then. The “V-Stretch” was the only thing I could pass with flying colors in the “Presidential Fitness Test.” If I remember correctly I could stretch out some 13 inches past my heels.Going back to my first experience with P90X Yoga X.

The first thing that shocked me was how long P90X Yoga X is. The little counter on the bottom said 1 hour and 20 minutes. I guess it is about the same as the other workouts if you add P90X Ab Ripper X to the original workout. What Poses Do You Do With P90X Yoga X?I was intrigued at first with all of the different poses.

What weirded me out though was that I did P90X Yoga X with one of my friends and it was his first time too. Definitely awkward but funny too. After going through the first sequence of poses which included the “Runners Pose,” “Crescent Pose,” and all of the variations of the “Warrior Poses” I could definitely feel my body stretching out. I started to enjoy the transitioning between the poses.

It made for a very fluid routine.When the “Warrior Poses” were over it was time to move into “Triangle Pose” and “Twisting Triangle.” The hardest yoga moves are next. “Standing Splits” and “Half Moon to Twisting Half Moon” are by far the hardest poses you will do in P90X Yoga X.You are bending over at the waist with one hand up in the air, one foot straight out pointing backwards, and one hand touching the ground while holding this for about 30 seconds.

This move is working on all of those connector muscles through out your whole body. When Tony Horton talks about “Yoga Strength” he is really talking about those two moves. So much emphasis is put on balancing your body which in turns builds your whole body strength.Its interesting how Tony Horton makes you do these moves first. I believe it is because they are the hardest ones to do in P90X Yoga X and you might as well get them over with first.

You then bust out a couple balance postures called “Tree, Royal Dancer, and Standing Leg Extension.” All are pretty tricky postures because you are standing on one leg while holding your ankle or toe straight out for 30 seconds.After the balance postures it is time to hit the floor. The one stretch I have trouble with is “Crane.” This involves putting your legs on your elbows and trying to keep your toes above the ground. This takes a lot of upper body and ab strength.

Even after doing Yoga X for 9 months I can barely keep my toes off the ground for 7 seconds. “Frog” is up next.

First time I did this it felt like my groin was going to rip out of my leg. It still hurts and occasionally I get a popping sound from that area.My favorite P90X Yoga X move is the “Plough into Shoulder Stand.” This involves getting your lower body in the air and resting on your shoulders while supporting with your hands. You then take your legs and move them in every direction finishing by bringing them down around your head. Picture bringing your legs all the way up and over your head while your knees are touching your ears. Talk about a back stretch that looks funny as hell.The “Yoga Belly” part is a quick ab workout.

It is very similar to the “Ab Ripper X” routine with a couple more exercises. I still get a burn doing the “Touch The Sky” move. The last couple of stretches are more of a cool down period. My favorite is “Happy Baby”.

This is when you grab your ankles or feet and rock back and forth like a baby. This really works on the legs. Tony Horton does do some “Ohhmmms” at the end but for the most part I skip them.


By that time my “Chi” has not been interrupted and I am ready to be finished. What Results Did You Get From P90X Yoga X?Even after being flexible to begin with I can see that improvements my body has had from doing P90X Yoga X.

My and swing are a lot more fluid. I just feel better all around after doing. My body feels loose and stretched out. All of those in between muscles really got a workout. Its all of those connector muscles that really get worked.Picture the shoulders, the hamstrings, lower back muscles, groin (don’t want to rip that thing), and abs.

I now look forward to P90X Yoga X day. Its like starting over and getting the body ready for the very next intense workout. I felt sore the day after doing Yoga for about a month. Now it just helps me get refreshed mentally and physically.“I can’t do a lot of pull ups and push ups because I workout on a all day. I can do a lot of pull ups and push ups because I do Yoga.” – Tony Horton Do I Need A Exercise Or Yoga Mat For P90X Yoga X?The answer to if you need one is up to you and your comfort level. If you workout on hard wood floors then you are probably going to want an exercise mat. No need injuring yourself while trying to do yoga or ab ripper if you do not need too.I have carpeting in my house so I don’t really need either but I do use an exercise mat when doing P90X Yoga X as I slide a little bit on the carpet.

This is due to me building up a sweat and drifting when I am doing the “Warrior Poses.” The exercise mats give me a little bit better friction so I do not slide anywhere. Is what I have and use for yoga along with P90X Plyometrics.I have a yoga mat and an exercise mat and I prefer using the exercise mat when doing P90X Yoga X.

Its heavier which keeps it from moving around. The yoga mats I own are flimsy and started to fray after a dozen uses. For me, the exercise mat works best in my house. What About Yoga Blocks? I’m stretching.During my first couple rounds of P90X I did not use. Decided to buy them after many of the moves in P90X Yoga X became a little too easy to do.There are only a couple of poses where you can use them and in most cases its about helping you balance.


Those poses include “half moon”, “reverse half moon”, “single hamstring stretch”, and “double hamstring stretch”.Yoga blocks are not necessary for P90X Yoga and are really only needed if you need some help with the balance poses or wanting to get a deeper stretch. Doing P90X Yoga X And Other Workouts On The Same Day?There have been a few times where I have done P90X Yoga X and another workout. Typically I do non Beachbody workouts like swimming, mountain biking, or going for a run. Something about staring at the TV or computer screen for another hour does not really do it for me.Doing another workout on the same day as yoga was entirely dependent on how much energy I had after yoga. Was not going to do another workout just to workout or to catch up with a program. Scheduling P90X Yoga X in the mornings on days I had softball at night seemed to work out. Enough to get a workout in but not too much to tire me out.

In Summary:Yoga is great for people with back problems and for athletes. Many professional athletes do Yoga to add years to their playing careers. Yoga is also a great way for older people to stay fit. Many senior citizens muscles are so tight that there bodies start hunching. Yoga keeps this from happening. I highly suggest to anybody looking for a great workout to incorporate P90X Yoga X into their lives.

Im on my last week of p90X, I have lost over 35lbs and have the body of a true stud. Arms, legs, 12 pack, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps, you name it!! I have never looked and felt so great. My wife wants sex all the time now. Yoga X has allowed me to become more flexiable and it helps you with the rest of the workouts.

I use to work out for years on my own but I got the best results of my life in 90 days using p90X. I want to meet Tony Horton one day and ask if I can be in one of his videos.

P90x Yoga Video Download Free

If ou are trying p90x for the first time stick with it, afer the first month you will get better and better just don’t give up and you will have result. AAA p90X!Thanks.says.

I friggin love the P90X yoga, and if I could devote an hour to working out each day, I would have no problem doing it every single day. I would love to know where I can get a supplemental yoga dvd that’s a little shorter for daily use, that is similar in style (gentle lead-ins to difficult poses, no philosophical ramblings to go along with the routine, nice balance of both vinyasa and balance poses). If it were about 30 minutes long that would be amazing. Do you know of any dvds that are similar? I just started week 9, and am loving the program. I think Yoga X might be my favorite. While I like the pump I get from the lifting workouts, I just feel energized and happy after yoga.

P90x Plyometrics Video

My form has steadily improved, and I can now do a full 60-second Crane, 5-breath Wheel (could only do Bridge before), and am getting better at Half-Moon/Twisting Half-Moon. I sweat like a maniac during Yoga, so I’ve had to wear socks and gloves to keep from slipping all over the place during Downward Dog- I recommend that to anyone who finds themselves sliding around and damaging their form. Anyway, stick with Yoga X and you’ll be happy you did! I was already lean before, but I’m getting ripped now, and feel extra fit!.says.